The Romanian Position Determination System - ROMPOS® is a project of the National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration providing precise positioning in the european reference and coordinate system ETRS89 based on the national network of GNSS reference stations.
ROMPOS® is based on Global Navigation Satellite Systems – GNSS, including GPS, GLONASS and GALILEO (in the future), providing complementary data necessary to improve the accuracy of determining the position within several millimeters.
Covering the entire territory of Romania with a total of 74 GNSS reference stations, ROMPOS® is available at any time and for any location in Romania, provided the data signal coverage (internet) is present.
By using ROMPOS®, modern GNSS receivers work more efficiently, increasing labor productivity, reducing the costs.
With a single GNSS receiver and internet access via GSM/GPRS connections, the user can benefit of ROMPOS® services.
By integrating the ROMPOS System® in the similar european EUPOS® system, it ensures its interconnection with similar european systems, allowing for a uniform positioning even at the crossing of the border with neighbouring countries. ANCPI signed cross-border data exchange agreements with similar systems in Hungary, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. A significant number of users (geodesic and cadastre companies, authorized individuals in the geodetics domain, equipment manufacturers, etc.) utilize the real-time ROMPOS® services (DGNSS/RTK).
Real-time ROMPOS services can be easily accessed by following these 5 steps:
1. ANCPI user account and accessing the ROMPOS administration platform
2. Payment of services
3. Defining the rovers on the ROMPOS administration platform
4. Activating a ROMPOS service subscription
5. Rover configuration
Support Service
For the optimum and correct use of ROMPOS® services, CNC through the Support service, provides you with information and support regarding the services offered. The service is available via Live Chat and email.