Coordinate Systems
The European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 (ETRS89), introduced in Europe as a geodetic reference system, is implemented in Romania (by the ODG of the ANCPI No. 212/2009) for the creation of a modern National Spatial Geodetic Network (RGNS) and the realization of pan-European cartographic products.
ETRS89 is defined according to the international standard ISO 19111, as composed of the ETRS89 geodetic datum, based on the GRS80 (Geodetic Reference System 1980) ellipsoid and the elliptical geodetic coordinate system.
• In Romania, two reference systems are officially used:
• The 1942 coordinate system (internationally known as "S-42"), based on the 1940 Krasovski ellipsoid, with the fundamental point at Pulkovo (Russia), together with the 1970 Stereographic projection;
• Reference system based on the reference 1910 Hayford ellipsoid, oriented on the fundamental astronomical point located inside the Military astronomical observatory in Bucharest, together with the 1930 stereographic projection – Bucharest secant plane.
The coordinates transformations used in Romania can be classified into two categories:
• Local coordinate transformations without a model of Helmert data distortion with 7 parameters or 4 parameters (standard deviation is around ± 0.10 m or less, depending on the distance between the joint points);
• Coordinate transformations with a data distortion model for which the standard deviation of the transformed coordinates is around ± 0.10-0.15 m, provided the existence of a sufficient number of joint points spread evenly across the entire country territory.
Meteo sensors
The GPS reference stations located in Baia Mare, Brăila, Cluj, Deva, Sibiu, Suceava and Timişoara are equipped with high-performance meteorological sensors of MET 3A-type, which accurately record, every 1 minute, temperature, pressure and the humidity of the place where this station is located.
The MET 3A-type weather sensor, produced by the american company Paroscientific Inc., has the following performances and features:
-Pressure Accuracy ±0.08 hPa from 620 to 1100 hPa
-Temperature Accuracy ±0.1 deg C from -50 to +60 C
-Relative Humidity Accuracy ±2 Percent from 0 to 100 %RH at 25 deg C.
-Rapid Humidity Recovery Time after Saturation.
-Weatherproof Enclosure
-Fan Aspirated Probe System
-High Performance Pressure Port (Wind Insensitive)
-Bi-Directional RS-232 Serial Bus
-User Selectable Parameters Including Resolution, Update Rate
-Engineering Units, Sampling Commands etc. with Supplied Software
-LED Status Indicators (Power, Transmit, Receive)
-3 Year Long-term Stability Warranty
-Interfaces with GPS Receivers, Data Loggers and Computers
-Free zero adjustment
Example of a weather data file:
Necessary equipment for the use of ROMPOS® services
ROMPOS® DGNSS – Single-frequency receiver and direct internet access for connection to the ROMPOS®-DGNSS service server (mobile internet via GSM/GPRS); data format provided RTCM 2. x, 3. x
ROMPOS® RTK – Receiver with two (one * *) frequencies and direct internet access for connection to the ROMPOS®-RTK service server (mobile internet via GSM/GPRS); data format provided RTCM 2. x, 3. x
ROMPOS® GEO – Single or dual-frequency receiver whose satellite measurements will be connected in post-processing mode to the National Network of Reference GNSS Stations; data format provided: (V) RINEX G (M) V. 2.1 (1)
* - provided the possibility of internet access;
** - with certain limitations related to the distance from the reference station, no. of contacted satellites, the status of ionosphere etc.
The transfer of DGNSS/RTK differential corrections from the reference stations (network of reference stations) to the user can be done by various means, the most common being: transfer via radio waves, via GSM/GPRS mobile communication systems or via the internet. ROMPOS's DGNSS/RTK services are based on the transfer of data via the internet. This data is transmitted in a standardized RTCM (Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services) format using the NTRIP (Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol) technology. NTRIP includes a standalone protocol based on HTTP – Hypertext Transfer Protocol and adapted to GNSS data transfer requirements. It allows the dissemination of differential corrections (in RTCM format) or other types of GNSS data, to stationary or moving users via the internet. NTRIP allows internet access via IP-based mobile networks (Internet Protocol), such as GSM, GPRS, EDGE or UMTS networks. The use of this technology is carried out by means of modules including: Ntrip Server (to transfer data from reference stations to central server), Ntrip Caster – for the administration and transfer of data from the central server (e.g. ROMPOS server) and Ntrip Client – to retrieve data (differential corrections) from the central server by users. The Ntrip Server and Ntrip Client modules are available free of charge from various software manufacturers, especially from the Federal Cartography and Geodesy Agency (BKG) in Germany (, which was the promoter of this technology. These modules can be installed on various equipment such as: GNSS receivers, desktop computers, laptop, PDA, mobile phones, etc. The most practical variant is the one where the user has installed a Ntrip Client directly on the GNSS receiver, then, once this software is configured, using a GSM/GPRS modem, can connect and transfer data from the data server which runs a Ntrip Caster software to the GNSS receiver.
The absolute differential positioning is a positioning technique that determines the position of a receiver, usually mobile, based on direct observations to satellites and some (differential) corrections transmitted (in real-time) from another fixed receiver called reference-receiver or base-receiver. A modern version allows the generation of these corrections based on a network of reference stations (receivers) such as the RN-GSP of the CNC. Pseudo-range (satellite-receiver distances) measured by the mobile receiver are corrected based on differential corrections obtained from the base-receiver, and then an absolute (punctual) positioning takes place. These differential corrections improve the accuracy of position determination.
The corrections submitted by the base-receiver can be Pseudo-Range-Corrections (PRC) and Rate of Range Corrections (RRC). These corrections can be determined using the pseudo-range defined on the basis of the codes transmitted by the satellites (DGNSS method -Differential GNSS) or on the basis of measurements performed using the carrier wave (RTK method - Real Time Kinematic). In addition, a specialized service based on a network of GNSS stations, can transmit further corrections, especially those due to the propagation of satellite signals through ionosphere and troposphere.
The Romanian Position Determination System - ROMPOS® is a project of the National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration providing precise positioning in the european reference and coordinate system ETRS89 based on the national network of GNSS reference stations.
ROMPOS® is based on Global Navigation Satellite Systems – GNSS, including GPS, GLONASS and GALILEO (in the future), providing complementary data necessary to improve the accuracy of determining the position within several millimeters.
Covering the entire territory of Romania with a total of 74 GNSS reference stations, ROMPOS® is available at any time and for any location in Romania, provided the data signal coverage (internet) is present.
By using ROMPOS®, modern GNSS receivers work more efficiently, increasing labor productivity, reducing the costs.
With a single GNSS receiver and internet access via GSM/GPRS connections, the user can benefit of ROMPOS® services.
By integrating the ROMPOS System® in the similar european EUPOS® system, it ensures its interconnection with similar european systems, allowing for a uniform positioning even at the crossing of the border with neighbouring countries. ANCPI signed cross-border data exchange agreements with similar systems in Hungary, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. A significant number of users (geodesic and cadastre companies, authorized individuals in the geodetics domain, equipment manufacturers, etc.) utilize the real-time ROMPOS® services (DGNSS/RTK).
Real-time ROMPOS services can be easily accessed by following these 5 steps:
1. ANCPI user account and accessing the ROMPOS administration platform
2. Payment of services
3. Defining the rovers on the ROMPOS administration platform
4. Activating a ROMPOS service subscription
5. Rover configuration
Support Service
For the optimum and correct use of ROMPOS® services, CNC through the Support service, provides you with information and support regarding the services offered. The service is available via Live Chat and email.
GNSS Systems
The determination of the position refers to the acquirement of satellite observations (measurements) carried out in points of interest, coordinates (absolute or relative) of these points in a well-specified reference system. Satellite observations consist of various types of measurements performed between the satellite receiver located on the ground or near it and one or more satellites evolving on circumterrestrial orbits. The position determining methods are based on observations made using satellite signals broadcasted in the microwaves field. The emission flow of the satellite signal is usually continuous or can be pulses at regular intervals. The reception of these signals is done similarly.
Satellites play an active role by broadcasting signals that are received by specialized devices (receivers) that decode this signal. After decoding the signal from it, the information needed to determine the position of the receiver is extracted.
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are systems that allow high precision determination of position in a geocentric reference system at any point located on the earth surface, near or outside, using Earth's artificial satellites.
Currently the most well-known GNSS systems are NAVSTAR-GPS (USA) and GLONASS (Russia). There are no significant differences between the two GNSS systems in terms of operating principles and technology used. Each system includes three segments: the spatial segment (satellites), the control segment (Monitoring and control stations) and the user segment. GNSS satellites transmit time information, navigational information, and system status messages to users. The control segment is responsible for maintaining the satellite constellation, the attached time system and the determination of satellite orbit. Currently there are other countries intending to create GNSS systems (complementary).
NAVigation Satellites with Time and Ranging – Global Positioning System (NAVSTAR – GPS)
The GPS space segment comprises a number of 31 satellites positioned on 6 orbital planes angled at 55° at an altitude of 20230 km. The satellite revolution period is 11 hours and 56 minutes. An identical satellite constellation can be observed after a sidereal day 4 minutes earlier. The GPS constellation is composed of the GPS Block IIR-Replacement satellites (replacing the GPS Block II/IIA satellites from 1997), GPS Block IIR-M (modernized-introducing a new military signal-code M, on both carrier waves and C/A code on the second carrier wave called L2C), GPS Block IIF-Fallow On (introducing a new signal on a third frequency, L5) and GPS Block III (a new civilian signal, C/A code on the L1 carrier wave). The positioning accuracy for the civilian segment has improved from about 100m to 13m by suspending ITS (Selective Availability) technique. Major progress is expected by modernizing the spatial segment (the third L5 carrier wave, C/A code on the L2 carrier wave, etc.). The reference system used is WGS84 (World Geodetic System 1984).
GLObalnaya NAvigatsionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema - GLObal NAvigation Satellite System (GLONASS)
The GLONASS space segment comprises a number of 27 satellites positioned on 3 orbital planes angled at 64.8° at an altitude of 19100 km. The satellite revolution period is 11 hours and 16 minutes. From the 27 designed satellites a total of 22 are operational. Each satellite has an atomic clock that generates a frequency from which the two carrier waves are formed. The signals transmitted are similar to the GPS system, including the C/A code on the L2 carrier. The precision level of the Russian GLONASS system is comparable to that of the NAVSTAR-GPS system. In Romania, the GLONASS system can be used, complementing the constellation of the GPS system. The reference system used is PZ90.
European Union (EU) and the European Space Agency have developed the GNSS European system, named Galileo. The constellation of the Galileo system will consist of a number of 30 satellites positioned on 3 orbital planes angled at 56° at the altitude of 23616km. The revolution period of a satellite will be about 14.4 hours. In terms of positioning accuracy, availability and integrity, Galileo will be superior to the other systems. GALILEO will be interoperable with NAVSTAR-GPS and GLONASS. The reference and coordinate system used will be ETRS type (European Terrestrial Reference System). For positioning ROMPOS® uses the NAVSTAR-GPS and GLONASS global systems. When commissioning the new European system Galileo, ROMPOS® will also implement the use of this new GNSS system.
Real Time Products
For accessing real-time ROMPOS products via NTRIP protocol, the following products are available:
1. “Network” type products = network of GNSS Stations
(generated using the principles of calculating differential corrections based on the network of GNSS reference stations): VRS (Ritual Reference Station), FKP (Flachen Korrektur Parameter), MAX (Master Auxiliary Concept)
Network products are transmitted in standardized RTCM format (version 3.1), excluding products which include CMR + characters.
The user (if he has the possibility through the software he owns), will first download the product list ("Mount points" in column 1) and then choose from this list the type of product you want to be purchased in real time. Note that for these types of products (network type), the user will necessarily have to transmit the coordinates of the station point (by NMEA-GGA type message). If the user is not able to automatically download the product list, then you will need to MANUALLY enter in the GNSS receiver the point of connection to the desired product, by writing in that menu the characters retrieved from column "RT Product Name".
2. “Nearest” type products = a reference station
(Generated using the principles of calculating differential corrections based on a single GNSS reference station)
“Single station” products are transmitted in a standardized RTCM format (3.1); The user (if he has the possibility through the software he owns), will first download the product list ("Mount points" in column 7) and then choose from this list the type of product you want to be purchased in real time. Note that for these types of products (“single station” type), the user needs to transmit the coordinates of the station point (by NMEA-GGA type message). If the user is not able to automatically download the product list, then you will need to MANUALLY enter in the GNSS receiver the connection point to the desired product, by writing in that menu the characters retrieved from column "RT Product Name".
3. Test products
In the list of ROMPOS-RTK products, at some point there may be products that are available for testing. The name of this product includes the word "Test", as users are warned that such a product will only be used for the purpose of verifying the generation and testing of product performance/quality. Such a product is NOT guaranteed and therefore will not be used for real applications.
RT product name | Product type | Site | Message Type | Protocol | Port | Authentication | Null Antenna | RTCM Version | Satellite system | Coordinate rate | Correction rate | Check maximum distance |
Test_VRS_CMR+ | Automatic cells | - | Virtual RS CMR+ | NTRIP-Client | ROMPOS-Proxy:2101 | Ntrip | Yes | - | G/R/-/-/- | - | 1s | On |
Test_iMAX_MSM4 | Automatic cells | - | i-MAX RTCM 3.x (MSM4) | NTRIP-Client | ROMPOS-Proxy:2101 | Ntrip | Yes | 3.x | G/R/E/-/- | 5s | 1s | On |
Realtime products for port 2101.
RT Product Name | Product Type | Site | Message Type | Port | RTCM Version | Satellite system |
Nearest_2.3 | Nearest site | - | RTCM 2.x (Type 1;2;18;19) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2101 | 2.3 | G/R/-/-/- |
Nearest_3.1 | Nearest site | - | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2101 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
Nearest_4G | Nearest site | - | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2101 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
Nearest_CMR+ | Nearest site | - | CMR+ | ROMPOS-Proxy:2101 | - | G/R/-/-/- |
RO_FKP_2.3 | Automatic cells | - | FKP RTCM 2.x (Type 18;19) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2101 | 2.3 | G/R/-/-/- |
RO_FKP_3.1 | Automatic cells | - | FKP RTCM 3.x (Extended; 1034; 1035) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2101 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
RO_i_MAX_2.3 | Automatic cells | - | i-MAX RTCM 2.x (Type 1;2;18;19) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2101 | 2.3 | G/R/-/-/- |
RO_iMAX_3.1 | Automatic cells | - | i-MAX RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2101 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
RO_MAX_3.1 | Automatic cells | - | MAX RTCM 3.x (Extended;1015;1016) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2101 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
i-MAX_MSM5 | Automatic cells | - | i-MAX RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2101 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
RO_VRS_3.1 | Automatic cells | - | Virtual RS RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2101 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
VRS_CMR+ | Automatic cells | Virtual RS CMR+ |
ROMPOS-Proxy:2101 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- | |
RO_VRS_MSM5 | Automatic cells | - | Virtual RS RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2101 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
Realtime products for port 2105.
RT Product Name | Product Type | Site | Message Type | Port | RTCM Version | Satellite system |
ABIU_3.1 | Single site | Alba Iulia - ABIU | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
ABIU_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Alba Iulia - ABIU | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
ADJU_3.1 | Single site | Adjud - ADJU | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
ADJU_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Adjud - ADJU | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
ALXR_3.1 | Single site | Alexandria - ALXR | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
Single site | Alexandria - ALXR | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
ARAD_3.1 | Single site | Arad - ARAD | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
Single site | Arad - ARAD | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
BACA_3.1 | Single site | Bacau - BACA | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
BACA_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Bacau - BACA | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
BAIA_3.1 | Single site | Baia Mare - BAIA | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
BAIA_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Baia Mare - BAIA | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
BAIS_3.1 | Single site | Bailesti - BAIS | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
BAIS_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Bailesti - BAIS | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
BEI2_3.1 | Single site | Beius - BEI2 | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
BEI2_4G_MSM5 |
Single site | Beius - BEI2 | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
BG_LOVE_3.1 | Single site | Lovech BG - LOVE | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
BG_MONT_3.1 | Single site | Montana BG - MONT | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
BG_RAZG_3.1 | Single site | Razgrad BG - RAZG | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/-/-/-/- |
BG_SHUM_3.1 | Single site | Shumen BG - SHUM | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/-/-/-/- |
BG_TARN_3.1 | Single site | VelikoTarnovo BG - TARN | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
BG_VARN_3.1 | Single site | Varna BG - VARN | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
BIST_3.1 | Single site | Bistrita - BIST | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
BIST_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Bistrita - BIST | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
BNLC_3.1 | Single site | Banloc - BNLC | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
BNLC_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Banloc - BNLC | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
BOTO_3.1 | Single site | Botosani - BOTO | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
BOTO_4G_MSM | Single site | Botosani - BOTO | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
BRAI_3.1 | Single site | Braila - BRAI | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
BRAI_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Braila - BRAI | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
BRSO_3.1 | Single site | Brasov - BRSO | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
BRSO_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Brasov - BRSO | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
BRL1_3.1 | Single site | Barlad - BRL1 | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
BRL1_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Barlad - BRL1 | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
BUCR_3.1 | Single site | Bucuresti EXPO - BUCR | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
BUCU_3.1 | Single site | Bucuresti - BUCU | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
BUCU_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Bucuresti - BUCU | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
BUFT_3.1 | Single site | Buftea - BUFT | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
BUFT_3G_MSM4 | Single site | Buftea - BUFT | RTCM 3.x (MSM4) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/-/- |
BUZ2_3.1 | Single site | Buzau - BUZ2 | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
BUZ2_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Buzau - BUZ2 | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
CALR_3.1 | Single site | Calarasi - CALR | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
CALR_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Calarasi - CALR | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
CAM1_3.1 | Single site | Campeni - CAM1 | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
CAM1_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Campeni - CAM1 | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
CIUC_3.1 | Single site | Miercurea Ciuc - CIUC | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
Single site | Miercurea Ciuc - CIUC | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
CLU2_3.1 | Single site | Cluj Napoca - CLU2 | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
CLU2_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Cluj Napoca - CLU2 | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
CORA_3.1 | Single site | Corabia - CORA | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
CORA_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Corabia - CORA | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
COST_3.1 | Single site | Constanta - COST | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
COST_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Constanta - COST | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
CRAI_3.1 | Single site | Craiova - CRAI | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
CRAI_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Craiova - CRAI | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
CRNV_3.1 | Single site | Cernavoda - CRNV | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
CRNV_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Cernavoda - CRNV | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
DEJ2_3.1 | Single site | Dej - DEJ2 | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
DEJ2_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Dej - DEJ2 | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
DEVA_3.1 | Single site | Deva - DEVA | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
DEVA_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Deva - DEVA | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
DORO_3.1 | Single site | Dorohoi - DORO | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
DORO_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Dorohoi - DORO | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
DRMN_3.1 | Single site | Darmanesti - DRMN | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
DRMN_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Darmanesti - DRMN | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
DRT2_3.1 | Single site | Drobeta Severin - DRT2 | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
DRT2_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Drobeta Severin - DRT2 | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
FAGA_3.1 | Single site | Fagaras - FAGA | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
FAGA_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Fagaras - FAGA | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
FAGE_3.1 | Single site | Faget - FAGE | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
FAGE_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Faget - FAGE | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
FAUR_3.1 | Single site | Faurei - FAUR | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
FAUR_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Faurei - FAUR | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
FOCS_3.1 | Single site | Focsani - FOCS | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
FOCS_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Focsani - FOCS | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
GHE1_3.1 | Single site | Gheorgheni - GHE1 | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
GHE1_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Gheorgheni - GHE1 | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
GIUR_3.1 | Single site | Giurgiu - GIUR | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
GIUR_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Giurgiu - GIUR | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
GURA_3.1 | Single site | Gurahont - GURA | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
GURA_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Gurahont - GURA | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
HAR1_3.1 | Single site | Harsova 1 - HAR1 | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
HAR1_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Harsova 1 - HAR1 | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
HORE_3.1 | Single site | Horezu - HORE | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
HORE_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Horezu - HORE | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
HU_DEBR_3.1 | Single site | Debrecen - DEBR | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
HU_DEBR_3G_MSM4 | Single site | Debrecen - DEBR | RTCM 3.x (MSM4) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/-/- |
HU_GYUL_3.1 | Single site | Gyula - GYUL | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
HU_MSZE_3.1 | Single site | Szeged - MSZE | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
HU_MSZE_3G_MSM4 | Single site | Szeged - MSZE | RTCM 3.x (MSM4) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/-/- |
HU_VASA_3.1 | Single site | Vásárosnamény - VASA | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
HUED_3.1 | Single site | Huedin - HUED | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
HUED_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Huedin - HUED | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
IASI_3.1 | Single site | Iasi - IASI | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
IASI_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Iasi - IASI | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
INFP_3.1 | Single site | INFP - INFP | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
Single site | INFP - INFP | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
INSU_3.1 | Single site | Insuratei - INSU | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
INSU_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Insuratei - INSU | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
ISTR_3.1 | Single site | Istria - ISTR | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
ISTR_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Istria - ISTR | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
LEHL_3.1 | Single site | Lehliu Gara - LEHL | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
LEHL_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Lehliu Gara - LEHL | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
MD_COMR_3.1 | Single site | Comrat - COMR | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
MD_EDIN_3.1 | Single site | Edinet - EDIN | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
MD_FALE_3.1 | Single site | Falesti - FALE | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
MD_LEOV_3.1 | Single site | Leova - LEOV | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
MD_NISP_3.1 | Single site | Nisporeni - NISP | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
MEDS_3.1 | Single site | Medias - MEDS | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
Single site | Medias - MEDS | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
MIZI_3.1 | Single site | Mizil - MIZI | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
MIZI_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Mizil - MIZI | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
MNGL_3.1 | Single site | Mangalia - MNGL | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
MNGL_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Mangalia - MNGL | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
MOL2_3.1 | Single site | Moldova Noua - MOL2 | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
MOL2_4G_MSM5 |
Single site | Moldova Noua - MOL2 | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
MURE_3.1 | Single site | Targu Mures - MURE | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
Single site | Targu Mures - MURE | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
NEHU_3.1 | Single site | Nehoiu - NEHU | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
NEHU_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Nehoiu - NEHU | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
ODO1_3.1 | Single site | Odorheiul Secuie - ODO1 | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
ODO1_4G_MSM5 |
Single site | Odorheiul Secuie - ODO1 | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
OLTE_3.1 | Single site | Oltenita - OLTE | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
OLTE__4G_MSM5 | Single site | Oltenita - OLTE | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
ORAD_3.1 | Single site | Oradea - ORAD | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
ORAD_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Oradea - ORAD | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
PASC_3.1 | Single site | Pascani - PASC | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
PASC_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Pascani - PASC | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
PET2_3.1 | Single site | Petrosani - PET2 | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
PET2_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Petrosani - PET2 | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
PITE_3.1 | Single site | Pitesti - PITE | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
Single site | Pitesti - PITE | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
PLOI_3.1 | Single site | Ploiesti - PLOI | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
Single site | Ploiesti - PLOI | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
PTNT_3.1 | Single site | Piatra Neamt - PTNT | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
PTNT_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Piatra Neamt - PTNT | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
PTRS_3.1 | Single site | Petresti - PTRS | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
PTRS_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Petresti - PTRS | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
RESI_3.1 | Single site | Resita - RESI | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
Single site | Resita - RESI | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
RMAN_3.1 | Single site | Roman - RMAN | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
SATU_3.1 | Single site | Satu Mare - SATU | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
Single site | Satu Mare - SATU | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
SFGH_3.1 | Single site | Sfantu Gheorghe - SFGH | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
SFGH_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Sfantu Gheorghe - SFGH | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
SIB1_3.1 | Single site | Sibiu 1 - SIB1 | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
SIB1_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Sibiu 1 - SIB1 | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
SLOB_3.1 | Single site | Slobozia - SLOB | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
SLOB_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Slobozia - SLOB | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
SLTN_3.1 | Single site | Slatina - SLTN | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
Single site | Slatina - SLTN | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
SNIC_3.1 | Single site | Sannicolau - SNIC | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
SNIC_3G_MSM4 | Single site | Sannicolau - SNIC | RTCM 3.x (MSM4) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/-/- |
SUCE_3.1 | Single site | Suceava - SUCE | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
SUCE_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Suceava - SUCE | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
SULI_3.1 | Single site | Sulina - SULI | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
SULI_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Sulina - SULI | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
TAJO_3.1 | Single site | Tatarastii de Jos - TAJO | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
TAJO_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Tatarastii de Jos - TAJO | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
TBUJ_3.1 | Single site | Targu Bujor - TBUJ | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
TBUJ_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Targu Bujor - TBUJ | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
TIM1_3.1 | Single site | Timisoara 1 - TIM1 | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
TIM1_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Timisoara 1 - TIM1 | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
TJIU_3.1 | Single site | Targu Jiu - TJIU | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
Single site | Targu Jiu - TJIU | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
TLCA_3.1 | Single site | Tulcea - TLCA | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
TLCA_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Tulcea - TLCA | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
TRGV_3.1 | Single site | Targoviste - TRGV | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
TRGV_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Targoviste - TRGV | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
UA_HUST_3.1 | Single site | Khust UA - HUST | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
UA_RAHI_3.1 | Single site | Rakhiv UA - RAHI | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
UA_VRHV_3.1 | Single site | Berehomet UA - BMRS | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
UA-CRNI_3.1 | Single site | Chernivsti UA - CRNI | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/-/-/-/- |
VAD2_3.1 | Single site | Valea Doftanei - VAD2 | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
VAD2_4G_MSM5 |
Single site | Valea Doftanei - VAD2 | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
VAMO_3.1 | Single site | Vatra Moldovitei - VAMO | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
Single site | Vatra Moldovitei - VAMO | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
VASL_3.1 | Single site | Vaslui - VASL | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
VASL_4G_MSM5 | Single site | Vaslui - VASL | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
VATR_3.1 | Single site | Vatra Dornei - VATR | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
Single site | Vatra Dornei - VATR | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
VISE_3.1 | Single site | Viseu de Sus - VISE | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
Single site | Viseu de Sus - VISE | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
VLC2_3.1 | Single site | Ramnicu Valcea - VLC2 | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
VLC2_4G_MSM5 |
Single site | Ramnicu Valcea - VLC2 | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
ZALU_3.1 | Single site | Zalau - ZALU | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
Single site | Zalau - ZALU | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
ZERI_3.1 | Single site | Zerind - ZERI | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
Single site | Zerind - ZERI | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
ZIMN_3.1 | Single site | Zimnicea - ZIMN | RTCM 3.x (Extended) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/-/-/- |
Single site | Zimnicea - ZIMN | RTCM 3.x (MSM5) | ROMPOS-Proxy:2105 | 3.x | G/R/E/C/- |
Network Online Visualisation of Accuracy (NOVA) Maps
The Hour value is in GMT
Global RMS
A general indicator of the residual error for the whole network. Time series for each of the above four cases are given. When the user right clicks on the graphs and selects "Series", two other series are available:
1. Average Satellites Used (showing the average number of satellites used to compute the Single Base RMS).
2. Average Corrected Satellites used (showing the average number of satellites used to compute the Network RMS, for all the satellite systems).
The satellite count scale is available on the right hand side of the graph.
Residual Ionosphere (RTK): The estimated residual ionospheric error for a single base RTK user using data from the nearest site.
Residual Ionosphere (Network RTK): The estimated residual ionospheric error for a network RTK user.
Residual Troposphere/Geometry (RTK): The estimated residual tropospheric and orbit error for a single base RTK user using data from the nearest site.
Residual Troposphere/Geometry (Network RTK): The estimated residual tropospheric and orbit error for a network RTK user.
National Center for Cartography, hereinafter referred to as CNC, manager of ROMPOS services and products
1A Expozitiei Bvd, Sector 1, Bucharest
Phone no: +40 21 224 39 67
Bank account: RO57TREZ701501503X017556 opened at the Treasury of Sector 1 Bucharest,
CUI 14057015
Institution subordinated to the ANCPI.
1. General conditions
1.1 These terms and conditions equate to a contract for the provision of services and the purchase of ROMPOS products or services and imply the default agreement of ROMPOS users upon them.
1.2 The following terms and conditions apply to position code 1.2.6-GNSS records from a reference station and code 3.1.2. – Real-time GNSS positioning services in the Annex Order No. 16/2019 on the approval of tariffs for services provided by the National Agency for Cadastre and Real Estate Advertising and its subordinated institutions, hereinafter referred to as ' products ' and ' services ' and which are available for purchase on the platform or by making the payment to the National Centre for Cartography bank account using a payment order.
1.3 These terms are in addition to the terms and conditions of use of the website accessible at
1.4 There may be deviations from the terms and conditions of use of ROMPOS services only if they are communicated by official address by the National Centre for Cartography.
1.5 The terms and conditions imposed by the client (ROMPOS user) are expressly excluded from the entire commercial relationship. In particular, the mere omission of a CNC contradiction opposing other terms and conditions issued by third parties does not imply their tacitly acceptance.
1.6 In the event of ongoing obligations, CNC is entitled to change these Terms and conditions. The customer will be informed about these changes. If the customer objects to them within two weeks of communication, CNC is entitled to suspend access to products from the date when the additions to these terms and conditions come into force.
1.7 Where certain points of these terms and conditions become invalid or partly legally valid, the remainder shall remain in force.
1.8 The products and services mentioned in these terms and conditions also fall within all cases covered by Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an infrastructure for spatial information in the European Community (INSPIRE).
2. Products and services provided by CNC through ROMPOS
2.1 The main features of CNC products and services can be found on the website under "technical information".
2.2 Descriptions, sketches or illustrations related to products and services provided in the online or printed form are created within the limits of their own capacities. CNC assumes no responsibility for printing errors, modification of the technical characteristics of the products or services as well as the availability over time, accuracy, completeness or quality of the information provided. In this context, CNC is not directly liable for direct or indirect damages, including financial losses, except for certain features that are directly guaranteed to the customer by official address.
2.3 Access to the ROMPOS products and services management platform ( is done only through a single ANCPI user (on e-Terra or e-payment).
2.4 CNC is not directly responsible for the availability of the purchase of products and services in the E-Payment that is in the administration of the National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration(ANCPI). The temporary unavailability due to the maintenance work of the payment platform shall not be subject to compensatory requests.
3. Terms and conditions of payment
3.1 The payment of ROMPOS products and services is available in two ways: online using the payment platform and through payment orders for the RO57TREZ701501503X017556 bank account opened at the Treasury of Sector 1 Bucharest.
3.2 In case of payment via the ANCPI e-payment platform, the terms and conditions for the respective platform shall apply.
3.3 The amounts paid by ROMPOS users are converted into credits used to activate the services or purchase of products within the ROMPOS management platform (, the duration of this process being determined by the duration which the payment processor operates those transactions.
3.4 Users who pay by payment order will validate their online payments on the ROMPOS management platform (, with the credit being available in the user account within 1 day from the date of entry of the amount paid to the CNC account.
3.5 CNC does not issue invoices for charges received in order to provide services rendered in the specific field of activity, including the situations in which payments are done by bank transfer in accordance with Law 150/2015 art. 7.
4. Contractual partner (client) – ROMPOS user
4.1 The purchase of ROMPOS products and services is conditional upon the creation of a single ANCPI account (e-payment, E-Terra) or the use of an existing one. The registration process is subject to the terms and conditions applicable to the use of the website.
4.2 The ROMPOS user is directly responsible for the correctness and completeness of the data provided.
4.3 The modification of user-related data will be operated online as soon as possible or the ROMPOS staff will be notified via email address at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
4.4 The user is solely responsible for the security of access data in the system (username and password) and actions carried out with their help. Successful authentication ensures that the user isverified by CNC which does not take further steps to verify its identity. CNC cannot be held accountable for any loss or damage resulting from a security breach caused by the user.
5. General terms of the contractual relationship
5.1 The language used for orders and contract terms is romanian language.
5.2 All received orders are considered as offers for the conclusion of a contract.
5.3 The user is constrained by the contract from the moment the account is credited to the ROMPOS management interface until the credits are depleted and the service expires.
5.4 The use of data provided through ROMPOS is not constrained for specific purposes, unless this has been directly specified by mutual agreement in writing.
5.5 The user cannot transfer his rights and obligations to third parties without the prior consent of the CNC.
5.6 Any complaints regarding the contractual relationship will be addressed by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
6. Special entries on the contractual relationship
6.1 GNSS records from a reference station will be provided online by mentioning UTC time, data being supplied in RAW format, at the sampling rate of 1s in individual 1h files, for divisions of the time the order will address the territorial offices of cadastre using the GNSS data request form (, in which case you will make the payment to that office at the cashier or by payment order.
6.2 In the case of orders through the data request form, you can check the availability of data in the ROMPOS administration account under RINEX.
6.3 The purchase of ROMPOS services and products through the ANCPI e-payment platform requires the use of a compatible web browser.
6.4 Confirmation of an order is made at the time the credit emerges the ROMPOS administration account.
6.5 The contractual relationship is valid only when the order is confirmed.
7. Rates
7.1 The values of the tariffs for ROMPOS products and services are in the annex to the Order No. 16/2019 in paragraphs 1.2.6 and 3.1.2
7.2 GNSS records from a reference station (code 1.2.6) are charged at 15lei/hour
7.3 Real-time GNSS positioning services (COD 3.1.2) are charged 100 lei/month/device and 1000lei/year/device.
8. Delivery of products and availability of services
8.1 GNSS records from a reference station ordered online are delivered in real time immediately after launching the order.
8.2 In the case of GNSS records from a reference station ordered by order form, the delivery deadline shall be 2 working days from the date of receipt of the payment.
8.3 If an order cannot be honoured for technical reasons not under the control of CNC, it shall contact the user directly and agree on a mutually agreed delivery time.
8.4 If the records of reference stations delivered online become corrupted when accessing, the data will be remade available by the CNC after prior notification of the user, if the data alteration is due to CNC.
8.5 In case of incomplete deliveries of reference station records (hour fractions) the segments exceeding 30 minutes are charged as an entire hour.
9. Warranty and legal liability
9.1 For users of GNSS real time positioning services, in case of system failure for longer than one day, the subscriptions will be automatically extended by 1 day or the number of days of inoperability.
9.2 CNC is not responsible for the use of inappropriate or incompatible equipment or software used to process the data transmitted by it.
9.3 If the quality of the records of reference stations delivered online (over 50% interference on the segment provided) they will be replaced by similar records of proper quality, fact agreed upon with the user at request. In this case, the paid amount shall not be reimbursed.
10. Permission to use access
10.1 Unless otherwise stated, the CNC holds all intellectual property rights over IT resources and the information contained therein.
10.2 The user is forbidden to:
• sell, rent or sub-license the services or products;
• redistribute or public display of any purchased product;
• reproduce, duplicate, copy or exploit of materials or information from the computer resource accessed for a commercial purpose (unless the content is specifically made available for redistribution);
• edit or modify information or materials from the computer resource accessed.
11. Refund Policy
Refund of amounts unduly collected by the ANCPI and subordinated institutions shall be made in accordance with the provisions of:
a. OMFP 2465/2010, for the approval of the procedure for the refund of amounts of revenues received from the work carried out by public authorities and institutions reorganised as public institutions fully financed from the State budget, according to annexes No. 1 and 2 to Law No. 329/2009;
b. OMFP 528/2015, for the approval of the procedure for the refund of amounts of taxes or other revenue of the state budget, paid in excess or undue and for which there is no obligation to declare.
in conjunction with the provisions of the Operational procedure PO-7.5-20, for the refund of amounts unduly collected by the ANCPI and subordinated institutions.
12. Protection of personal data
The privacy and data security provisions, as well as the protection of personal data, can be found under terms and conditions of use of the
13. Force Majeure
The force majeure removes the civil liability of the party invoking it and represents an unpredictable and insurmountable event for one of the parties emerged after the activation of the service, such as, but unlimited: state of war, state of necessity, embargo, laws, regulations, decisions or directives of any government with jurisdiction in matters relating to this contract, or any act or situation beyond the reasonable control of the parties recognised by the law as a case of force majeure.
14. Litigation
14.1 Any disagreement related to the use of this service will be resolved amicably.
14.2 If disagreements are not settled amicably they will be resolved by the competent courts in Romania.
Bucharest, 11 September 2019