Given that for cadastral work the coordinates of buildings must be expressed in Stereographic system 1970, ANCPI together with CNC have developed and made available to users free of charge a reliable and efficient solution for transforming ETRS89 coordinates in STEREO70 and vice versa.
This issue was solved by creating the TransDatRo coordinate transformation software, which reached version 4.05 and can be downloaded free of charge from the website, in the "Download" section.
Also, the transformation grids related to this application can be deployed in GNSS RTK-field receivers to get the coordinates in the 1970 stereographic system in real time, without further transformations being required in the office. These transformation grids can be downloaded from the address, the "Download" section, file TransDatRO_code_source_ 1.03
Also, for certain counties where CNC performed gravimetric measurements combined with GNSS measurements and geometric precision leveling, transformation grids were generated on altitudes based on local models of gravimetric quasigeoid.
These grids are continuously expanding and improving, therefore, for the latest news please refer to the website under "Download" section.
The TransDatRo software also offers the possibility to transform coordinates between ETRS89 systems – Stereo30 Bucharest and vice versa and Stereo70 – Stereo30 Bucharest and vice versa, and for a detailed overview of the software, and its options and capabilities, we recommend that you read the Help section of the software.