Monday, 14 October 2019 14:42


Necessary equipment for the use of ROMPOS® services
ROMPOS® DGNSS – Single-frequency receiver and direct internet access for connection to the ROMPOS®-DGNSS service server (mobile internet via GSM/GPRS); data format provided RTCM 2. x, 3. x
ROMPOS® RTK – Receiver with two (one * *) frequencies and direct internet access for connection to the ROMPOS®-RTK service server (mobile internet via GSM/GPRS); data format provided RTCM 2. x, 3. x
ROMPOS® GEO – Single or dual-frequency receiver whose satellite measurements will be connected in post-processing mode to the National Network of Reference GNSS Stations; data format provided: (V) RINEX G (M) V. 2.1 (1)

* - provided the possibility of internet access;
** - with certain limitations related to the distance from the reference station, no. of contacted satellites, the status of ionosphere etc.

Published in ROMPOS_EN



  • Schedule M-T : 8:00-16:30; F: 8:00-14:00
  • 1A Expozitiei Bvd., Sector 1, Bucharest
  • +40 21 224 39 67
  • office@rompos.ro
  • Fast contact